Reactive Web Share API. The Browser provides features that can share content in text or file.
method has to be called following a user gesture like a button click. It can’t simply be called on page load for example. That’s in place to help prevent abuse.
import { useShare } from '@vueuse/core'
const { share, isSupported } = useShare()
function startShare() {
title: 'Hello',
text: 'Hello my friend!',
url: location.href,
Passing a source ref
You can pass a ref
to it, changes from the source ref will be reflected to your sharing options.
import { ref } from 'vue'
const shareOptions = ref<ShareOptions>({ text: 'foo' })
const { share, isSupported } = useShare(shareOptions)
shareOptions.value.text = 'bar'
Type Declarations
export interface ShareOptions {
title?: string
files?: File[]
text?: string
url?: string
* Reactive Web Share API.
* @use {@link /useShare}
* @param shareOptions
* @param options
export declare function useShare(
shareOptions?: MaybeRef<ShareOptions>,
options?: ConfigurableNavigator
): {
isSupported: boolean
share: (overrideOptions?: MaybeRef<ShareOptions>) => Promise<void>