Ready: false
Reactive async state. Will not block your setup function and will triggers changes once the promise is ready.
import axios from 'axios'
import { useAsyncState } from '@vueuse/core'
const { state, ready } = useAsyncState(
.then(t =>,
{ id: null },
Type Declarations
* Reactive async state. Will not block your setup function and will triggers changes once
* the promise is ready.
* @see {@link /useAsyncState}
* @param promise The promise / async function to be resolved
* @param initialState The initial state, used until the first evaluation finishes
* @param delay Delay (ms)
* @param catchFn Error handling callback
export declare function useAsyncState<T>(
promise: Promise<T>,
initialState: T,
delay?: number,
catchFn?: (e: Error) => void
): {
state: Ref<UnwrapRef<T>>
ready: Ref<boolean>